Tuesday 17 June 2008

Walker: I Was Victim of Shotgun Offense

Javon WalkerJust moments after getting oral surgery to fix his busted face, NFL star Javon Walker blew the lid off his mysterious beatdown -- claiming he was abducted out of his Las Vegas hotel room by gun-toting thugs early Monday morning.

In an exclusive statement to TheDirty.com Walker said, "I was just back at my room and at about 5:30 in the morning, I got a knock at the door, I opened it and 3 guys with guns were there, they cracked me in the head a few times knocking me unconscious. They then robbed me of everything I had -- my watch, money -- everything! Somehow they got me to the car and dropped me off in the street. That's what happened."

Walker, who just signed a $55 million dollar contract with the Oakland Raiders, also says reports that the robbery stems the champagne wars with Floyd Mayweather at Tryst nightclub earlier in the evening are completely false.

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